
Dante 但丁神曲某一角 Beatrice from Florence 百花之城  (flo的字源表示"花")

但丁神曲作品為The Divine Comedy  有100 canto



1.virgil (n.名詞):維吉爾(男子名, 涵義: 春天及所有生物欣欣向榮之狀),表示"真理"的意思

2.Augustus Octavius:奧古斯都

(LatinImperator Caesar Divi F. Augustus,[note 1] 23 September 63 BC – 19 August 14 AD) was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first Emperor, ruling from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD.


4.Hubris  (n [U]不可數名詞):literary -great and unreasonable pride 傲慢﹐自大﹐目中無人

丹布朗新書<< Inferno地獄>>


In his international blockbusters The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, and The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown masterfully fused history, art, codes, and symbols. In this riveting new thriller, Brown returns to his element and has crafted his highest-stakes novel to date.

  In the heart of Italy, Harvard professor of symbology Robert Langdon is drawn into a harrowing world centered on one of history’s most enduring and mysterious literary masterpieces . . . Dante’s Inferno.

  Against this backdrop, Langdon battles a chilling adversary and grapples with an ingenious riddle that pulls him into a landscape of classic art, secret passageways, and futuristic science. Drawing from Dante’s dark epic poem, Langdon races to find answers and decide whom to trust . . . before the world is irrevocably altered.





丹.布朗(Dan Brown)

  畢業於安默斯特學院(Amherst College),在他全心投入寫作之時,一直擔任該學院的英文老師。1996年,丹.布朗出於對從事密碼破譯工作的秘密政府機關的興趣,寫作了自己的第一部小說《數位堡壘》(Digital Fortress)。而這部小說立刻成了國內首屈一指的網路小說。它以美國國家安全局(National Security Agency)背景,探究了公民隱私和國家安全之間的界限。



  Dan Brown is the author of numerous #1 bestselling novels, including the recent record-breaking The Lost Symbol, which had the biggest one-week sale in Random House history for a single title.  His previous title, The Da Vinci Code, has sold more than 80 million copies worldwide, making it one of the bestselling novels of all time. In addition to numerous appearances on The Today Show, Mr. Brown was named one of the World’s 100 Most Influential People by Time Magazine. He has appeared in the pages of Newsweek, Forbes, People,GQ, The New Yorker, and others. His novels are published in over 50 languages around the world.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Peter Rabbit is a fictional anthropomorphic character in various children's stories by Beatrix Potter. He first appeared in The Tale of Peter Rabbit in 1902, and subsequently in five more books between 1904 and 1912. Spinoff merchandise includes dishes, wallpaper, and dolls. He appears as a character in a number of adaptations.




The rabbits in Potter's stories are anthropomorphic  <a.形容詞被賦予人形(或人性)的, 擬人的>

 and wear human clothes; Peter wears a jacket and shoes. Peter, his mother, Mrs. Josephine Rabbit, and his sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail live in a rabbit hole that has a human kitchen, human furniture, and a shop where Mrs. Rabbit sells various items. Peter's relatives are Cousin Benjamin Bunny and Benjamin's father Mr. Benjamin Bunny.


1.radish :a small vegetable whose red or white root is eaten raw and has a strong spicy taste




a naughty child does not obey adults and behaves badly
You're a very naughty boy! Look what you've done!

slightly bad

British English if an adult does something naughty, they do something that is not right or good, but is not very serious:
I felt a bit naughty going off on my own, leaving the children behind.

involving sex

 naughty jokes/magazines/films etc

British English old-fashioned naughty jokes, magazines, films etc deal with sex, especially in a humorous way [↪ rude, blue]


3.understatement 輕描淡寫

1 [countable] a statement that is not strong enough to express how good, bad, impressive etc something really is:
To say the movie was bad is an understatement.
'It wasn't very easy to find the house.' 'That's got to be the understatement of the year!'
2 [uncountable] the practice of making something seem to have less of a particular quality than it really has(with understatement)
We have not done quite well enough,' Macmillan said, with characteristic understatement.

4.parsley:西餐用的綠色植物-香芹--a herb with curly leaves, used in cooking or as decoration on food



on his hands and knees 跪著&趴下


be frightened [Peter was most dreadfully frightened]



I'm feel puzzled(困惑)


wheelbarrow:可推的輪子桶--a small CART(1) that you use outdoors to carry things, with a single wheel and two                                                          handles 


adose of 劑量

  • give someone a dose (or taste) of their own medicine. 
    這是一句英文慣用法, 意思是以其人之道還治其人之身, 以牙還牙,

    Give hime a little dose of tough love. 看前後文而定, 大意是 "稍為對他嚴厲一些"但可帶有報復意謂

  • sob:

    • vi.不及物動詞
      1. 嗚咽; 啜泣

        She broke down and sobbed aloud. 她禁不住大聲哭了起來。

      2. (風等)發嗚咽聲

        The wind sobbed in the trees. 風在樹林中淒鳴。

    • vt.及物動詞
      1. 哭訴, 嗚咽地說[(+out)]

        She sobbed out her sad story. 她嗚咽著講出了她的悲慘遭遇。

      2. 哭得使...[O]

        She sobbed herself to sleep. 她一直哭到睡著。

    • n.名詞
      1. 嗚咽(聲), 啜泣(聲)[C]

        A sob welled up in his throat. 他喉嚨裡發出一聲嗚咽。


  • vi.不及物動詞
    1. 蠕動; 扭動; 蜿蜒而行

    2. 設法擺脫; 勉強掙扎出來[(+out of)]

      The fish wriggled out of my grasp. 那條魚扭動著從我握著的手中滑落下來。

  • vt.及物動詞
    1. 扭動; 使蠕動

      The dog ran away, wriggling its tail. 狗扭動著尾巴逃走了。

      wriggle one's tail 扭動尾巴

    2. 扭動著爬; 不知不覺地潛入

      He wriggled his way up the plumbing. 他沿水落管扭動著向上爬去。

  • n.名詞
    1. 扭動; 蠕動[C]

  • 變化形

    動變: wriggled,wriggled,wriggling

    名複: wriggles

  • 同義字

    vi.蠕動; 緩緩前進


upsetting (a.)使人難受的 



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